11 Sep
ILA Community Network announce Charity Event.

The charity event on Sunday 16th September  will be the first of its kind in Ho Chi Minh City, organised by the promoter Dead Folks in collaboration with ILA community network for the benefit of the Little Rose Shelter.  The shelter aims to free children from poverty and exploitation through providing accommodation, education and a stable environment in which to develop.

Ross Thomas from ILA community Network said " This is a club night that not only raises and donates serious money to the shelter but also provides teachers with an all inclusive party on a Sunday, a real sign of the strength in the local underground scene and the benevolence of the teaching professionals here in Vietnam"

The event at Arcan will warm up from 7PM with a pool party, BBQ and fund raising raffle. Many local businesses have shown their support and commitment to the cause. Au Lac Do Brazil will provide a BBQ, Union Jacks will serve their award winning fish & chips, while Te Te craft beer have embraced the party and charity by donating beer sales to charity!

The club will open from 7PM, starting with Dub by DJ Krysalize, moving onto disco and house by well known local DJ group Abstraack from 9-11pm, Ibiza radio resident Talal takes the headline slot, while local heroes Goosebumps play a back to back DJ routine between and 1-3AM. This is finished off by two Arcan residents back to back, Valy Mo and Yariuss. This promises to be a special night honoring and celebrating the community, charity and music together.